My Dad Martin John Weiss (1938-2020)

Dad's Graduation Picture

Dad at 6 yrs old

Dad and my sister Martha at 2yrs old

Dad pretending to play violin with us

Me and Dad at the nursing home 2020
What a wild ride we had---Dad being bipolar and a self-medicating alcoholic, and all the rest of us witnessing all the crazy stuff going on. Some of it an annoyingly royal pain, some of it brilliantly fun and entertaining, some deeply tragic. All of it significantly contributing to who I am now.
From the preface to Dad's book "Precious Days (Travels with Marty)"...
The allusion to Steinbeck is obvious. Travels with Charley was my favorite. It was his last book while this is my first.
I also am a great fan of James Thurber and take comfort and delight in the The Unicorn in the Garden.
I am manic depressive and much of my demeanor while in the manic phase confuses and even frightens my loved ones. They don't realize that this phase is "normal" for me albeit a difficult phase for those around me.
This is when I write. Much of what I write is acceptable--sometimes commendable. But like the Duke in Doonesbury sometimes I become too stimulated and write trash. This eventuality is becoming less frequent with the help of good mental health care professionals, and my good friends.
May my words give encouragement to my manic depressive counterparts, of which I find there are strikingly many. I dedicate this book to the caring people who helped to stop my jumping from peak to peak and gently led me down to a beautiful plateau upon which I can live a fulfilled and useful life.
Martin Weiss
August 16, 1992
Union, WA USA
Dad's Book of poems and little vignettes, Precious Days (Travels with Marty)
Dad's Memorial Website